Our motto is: “We enhance smiling faces, one brush stroke at a time” Book us to be the life of your next event. We have special event packages to fit your life styled budget. We specialize in professional face painting.
Welcome to Buttar Cups Fancy Face Painting World
Book us to be the life of your next event
We are Virginias only premier ONE STOP SHOP FOR ENTERTAINMENT!
Exclusive local news cover, front line with he kids to help prevent the spread of Covid 19
For the past several years we have been rated 5 STAR ON GOOGLE
We absolutely love what we do, give us a call for a complimentary quote today!
We absolutely love what we do, give us a call for a complimentary quote today!
All of of products are hyper- allergic and can easily be removed with soap and water
Inflatable Bounce House
Balloon Work |
Buttar CupsChief Executive OfficerI started my business with $400.00 as a hobby until in 2009 and I volunteered somewhere, a parent asked me did I do birthday parties? I grabbed a piece of paper, wrote down my contact information…. And the rest is my story…. “ButtarCups Fancy Face Painting” was born!
I have worked with a plethora of celebrities from Virginia’s own NO Malice, Don Fequan, Diamond from Crime Mobb, Young Jock, Rick Ross, Lil Wayne. I have toured with the UniVerSoul Circus, painted in well over 15 International countries, Carnival Cruise Ship, and The White House South Lawn for their Easter Egg Roll Hunt |
A QUOTE FOR THE PEOPLE. Follow Us on Facebook and Instagram
Managed by Novel Views
Phone: 757-207-8139Email: Buttarcups@yahoo.com |